Using the Client and Retrieving Compliance Data


Using the PerformMatch Compliance API is fairly straightforward. The API is accessed by way of a Client() instance created with your API token (provided by PerformLine Support). The client instance exposes methods that allow you to access the various data associated with your account. To explore these methods, see the second below detailing what can be accessed for each product that we offer.

Products & Data

The methods in the following classes are the primary means of accessing product-specific data and, in general, using the API. These classes are _mixins_, so each of the methods are available on an instance of Client().

Client Class Reference

class performline.client.Client(token, *args, **kwargs)[source]

PerformLine API Client

wrap_response(response, model, flat=False)[source]

Takes a SuccessResponse and returns the results as instances of the given model.

  • response (SuccessResponse) – A SuccessResponse object containing the data to be wrapped.
  • model (RestModel) – A subclass of RestModel that should be used
  • creating instances for each result in the response. (when) –
  • flat (bool, optional) – Whether single-element lists should return just that element instead of the list itself.

If response contains zero results, returns None.

If response has one element and flat equals True, return the first element as an instance of type model.

In all other cases, return a list of instances of type model.